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What and where | Orthodoxe Kerk

The Original Church

Since her foundation in 1981 the parish has been a mission-post and a refugium for Orthodox Christians who had to flee their home country.
Communist, post-communist and especially mohammedan persecutions drove people into our arms. Our task has increasingly become to offer them shelter, an ecclesiastical home and help them to find their way in their new world.

At the moment the parish consists of Orthodox Christians from 35 different ethnical backgrounds.
The hollandophonic holy services help them to integrate in society and to see their future as citizens of the Low Countries.

Next to the most important liturgical life we offer them various courses, trainings and communal life.
And, although the number of volunteers is small, the success is great.

In the past 35 years the parish was forced to "move house" twelve times.
In spite of that, the parish has known a steady growth.
Through migration her membership remains at a constant level of about 100 registered members and an equal number of friends, guests and passers-by.

The time had come for the parish to move to a permanent home.
God answered our incessant prayers.
In 2014 we were able to buy a discarded church

The Saint Cornelius had all we hoped for: a church, a small hall and a yard.
Although it was in a miserable, neglected condition, we had a place of our own.

Liturgical and parish life are blooming.
A small group of volunteers relentlessly carries out the Christian task of self-sacrificing love.
But it does not have the material strength to engage in restoring and rebuilding.
Many of them are jobless themselves.

Other than her history and boasting of tolerance might suggest, our country is extremely intolerant to migrant Christians.
Muslims can expect generous support of national, regional and local governments. Everywhere mosques are facilitated and erected.
When Orthodox Christians seek some facilities, they are denied under the pretext of separation of State and Church.

Many of our parishioners daily experience discrimination.
Repeatedly to such an extend that they had to be relocated to safer neighborhoods.

Because of that we are on our way to transform the gloomy place and give it the welcoming radiance that an Orthodox Church has.
You should see what little means and much effort can achieve.
With help from volunteers and friends the Saint Cornelius slowly starts to become "our" church.

The non-liturgical spaces need an overhaul.
We are not in a position to borrow money to do so.
That is why we need your help to make the hall suitable and install a proper kitchen.

Both are also necessary in order to let the hall for some extra income.

But above all:

Remember in your prayers
the Orthodox Parish of Amersfoort
Church of Saint Cornelius
and her rector,
yours in Jesus the Christ the Living One


archpriest Stephan Bakker